<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://px.ads.linkedin.com/collect/?pid=986060&amp;fmt=gif"> A Buyer’s Guide to Choosing Your Next Retail POS

Buyer’s Guide to Choosing Your Next Retail POS

In retail, the POS system is a fundamental. It’s the place where customers complete transactions, but it can also be a hub for inventory management, customer data, great experiences, and much more.

 With lots of vendors to choose from, how do you select the right solution for your needs?

This buyer’s guide will walk you through the questions you should be asking at every stage of your decision making process.

Buyers Guide to POS 1

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This Buyer's Guide will Discuss


Your Business Readiness

What can you achieve given your current technology infrastructure?


Solution Readiness and Configurability

Does the solution require extra development or a simple integration?


Supercharging Brand Experience

How can I ensure conversations are appropriate and on brand?

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Staff Training

How difficult is it to launch and train employees in using your tool?



What can you expect to achieve and how can you measure this success?


Proven Success

What evidence do you have of the
solution being successfully used today?

Leading retailers rely on Mercaux to deliver superior customer experience, drive business growth and stay relevant in a fast-moving and ever-evolving industry.

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